RGI’s Water Resources team is made up of highly skilled Professional Engineers, Project Managers, and Environmental Scientists dedicated to all types of water infrastructure and water in our environment. Our focus areas include hydrologic analysis, hydraulic modeling, drainage design, stormwater inspection, and MS4 compliance assistance. We can assist any community from master planning to detailed design. We have performed on major highway drainage/erosion control design for design-build contractors to small structure pipelining design with hydraulic modeling and scour analysis as one of this group’s specialties.
Services Include:
- Drainage Studies
- Master Planning
- Watershed Studies
- Stormwater Conveyance Design
- Detention Design
- Drainage Design
- Erosion Control Design
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic (H&H) Modeling & Analysis
- Pipe Liner Hydraulic Analysis & Design
- Bridge Scour Analysis
- Water Main Design
- Lift Station Design
- Treatment Plant Hydraulic Analysis
- Stormwater Quality Control Plans (SWQCPs)
- Level 1 and Level 2 Stormwater Inspection
- Post Construction BMP Inspection and Testing
- Waterway Permitting
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Preparation
- Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP) Applications
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Investigation
- MS4 Compliance Assistance
- Asset Inventory
- GIS System Mapping