Thoroughfare Structural Rehabilitation Area 1

Contract/Project Number: ST-21-099
Project Location: Indianapolis, IN
Client: ​Client: GRW Engineers Inc.
Owner: City of Indianapolis, Department of Public Works
Project Construction Cost: $10 Million
Project Date: 2021
Thoroughfare Structural Rehabilitation Area 1
General Project Description

RGI performed construction inspection services for the Thoroughfare Structural Rehabilitation Area 1: 86th Street, from Meridian St. to Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Indiana (ST-21-099). Resurfacing, including patching, of a highly traveled section of 86th St. through a dense commercial area. The project included drainage repairs, curb and gutter, median reconstruction, ADA compliant curb ramps, and traffic signal repairs.

Any Unique Challenges or specialty which should be noted?

RGI provide construction inspection services high profile project located downtown on the northside of Indianapolis.

Dawn Replogle

Dawn Replogle


Office Phone

(317) 558-2911 x110

Cell Phone

(317) 459-8274