- 317-558-2911
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
Project Location: Various Locations, Indiana
Client: Various: Milestone, Walsh, Calumet Civil, Rieth-Riley, Superior, INDOT (North Split)
Project Date: Various
General Project Description
The general scope of this work includes preparation of the stormwater pollution prevention plan, preparation of a draft NOI letter, submittal of documents to INDOT, the local SWCD, or the local MS4 authority for review, coordination with the reviewing agency, preparation and publication of the required statement in the local paper, and submittal of the NOI letter to IDEM. For many of our SWPPP projects we also prepare the erosion control design and develop construction plans for submittal to the reviewing agencies.
Scope of Services
RGI has prepared stormwater pollution prevention plans for various projects both for the Rule 5 permit and for the newer version, the Construction Stormwater General Permit. Clients we have prepared SWPPP documents for include Walsh Construction, Milestone Contractors, Calumet Civil Contractors, Rieth-Riley Construction Co., and Superior Construction as well as preparing SWPPP documents for numerous INDOT and DPW projects as a subconsultant.
Any Unique Challenges or specialty which should be noted?
We have prepared SWPPP’s for Construction Stormwater permitting for very large projects such as the I-65/I-70 North Split and smaller local projects such as the Old Southside Lift project.