- 317-558-2911
SR 71 Pavement Replacement
Contract/Project Number: Des. No. 2001827
Project Location: Town of Dana, Indiana
Client: Butler, Fairman, & Seufert
Owner: Indiana Department of Transportation – Crawfordsville District
Owner PM, PE/PS and/or AE: Richard Gilyeat – INDOT Project Manager
Project Length (miles or linear feet): 0.6 miles
Project Construction Cost: $2.18M
Project Date: 2022-Present
General Project Description
This project involves the replacement of pavement for 0.6 miles of SR 71 through the Town of Dana, Indiana. This section of roadway has alligator cracking, moderate rutting, and drainage concerns. The purpose of the project is to restore structural capacity, seal the pavement from water infiltration, improve surface smoothness of the roadway, and reduce structural and functional crack density to 0.0%. Additional purposes include addressing drainage concerns and improving accessibility with ADA improvement.
Scope of Services
RGI is preparing the drainage design and designing the replacement of a small structure at the north end of the Town at the intersection of SR 71 and W County Road 500 S. Additionally, RGI is preparing the erosion and sediment control design for this project and preparing the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Construction Stormwater General Permit.
Any Unique Challenges or specialty which should be noted?
This project involves very flat topography and a road corridor with residential homes that are close to the pavement edge.