North Split Reconstruction

Contract/Project Number: Des. No. 1600808
Project Location: Indianapolis, IN
Client: Superior Construction/Janssen & Spaans Engineering
Owner: Indiana Department of Transportation/Indiana Finance Authority
Owner PM, PE/PS and/or AE: Runfa Shi – INDOT Project Manager
Project Construction Cost: $315M
Project Date: 2020 thru 2022
North Split Reconstruction Project
General Project Description

This project involves the reconstruction of the I-65/I-70 Interchange in downtown Indianapolis.  As one of the most heavily traveled interchanges in Indiana, many structures have exceeded their service life after nearly 50 years in operation. When complete, the North Split project will reduce congestion, improve safety for the community and travelers, and provide a maintenance-free infrastructure for decades to come. Comprised of four sections — the south leg, west leg, east leg, and interchange — this design-build project will replace all pavement, reconfigure the interchange into three levels, eliminate two ramp movements, replace numerous bridge structures, install a new drainage system, improve local streets, replace ITS facilities, and provide new aesthetic and landscape features.

Scope of Services

RGI performed a key role on the project during the bid and design phase as the Environmental Compliance Manager which includes the development of permits, preparation of an environmental compliance plan, a hazardous material plan, and development of erosion control training in compliance with environmental commitments.  In addition, RGI lead the Erosion Control Design and prepared Rule 5 Permits.  During the design phase, RGI also assisted with the drainage design.

Dawn Replogle

Dawn Replogle


Office Phone

(317) 558-2911 x110

Cell Phone

(317) 459-8274