- 317-558-2911
Multi-Bridge Deck Overlays
Contract/Project Number: B-44549 & B-44546 / 20220079.00
Project Location: Varies
Client: INDOT Vincennes District
Owner: INDOT Vincennes District
Owner PM, PE/PS and/or AE: INDOT PM Katie McCormick and Matt Bullock
Project Length (miles or linear feet): Varies
Project Construction Cost: $1,919,000
Project Date: 2024
General Project Description
The purpose of the projects is to extend the life span of the bridge decks and maintain or improve the existing condition ratings by applying thin and rigid deck overlays. The multi-bridge deck overlays includes two thin deck overlays and one rigid deck overlay. The rigid deck overlay scope includes conversion of the end bents to semi-integral, replacing the reinforced concrete bridge approach slabs, removing roadway drain inlets, and constructing new riprap turnouts. The maintenance of traffic includes phased construction with portable temporary signals.
Scope of Services
RGI is responsible for the design and plan development work necessary to produce the construction contract documents. RGI scope of services included survey, utility coordination, bridge design, and roadway design. The survey included topographic survey of the existing roadway, end bents, and utilities. The utility coordination has over 24 utilities within the project limits. Roadway drainage design will be completed to determine if drain inlets could be removed and substituted for riprap turnouts at the ends of the bridge. Bridge design required semi-integral conversion, deck design, bridge approach details, and beam repair details. The project requires environmental services completed by others but managed by RGI.
Any Unique Challenges or specialty which should be noted?
Portions of the concrete bridge rail will be removed and replaced, which requires extra utility coordination due to the conduit inside the railing.