- 317-558-2911
Taxiway C Rehabilitation
Contract/Project Number: AIP 3-18-0022-73
Project Location: Fort Wayne International Airport
Client: CHA Consulting, Inc.
Owner: Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority
Owner PM, PE/PS and/or AE: Joseph Marana, AAE (Executive Director, FWACAA)
Project Construction Cost: $3,700,000
Project Date: Fall 2020
General Project Description
Taxiway C is the parallel taxiway serving Runway 5-23 and is the longest runway at the FWA. Taxiway C consists of concrete pavement over a stabilized base that was constructed over the course of several years. The last section to be constructed was approximately 3,000 feet and was completed in the early 1990s. With more than 25 years of service, Taxiway C requires routine maintenance to sustain the service life of the pavement.
Scope of Services
RGI performed construction inspection services for the Taxiway C Rehabilitation at the Fort Wayne International Airport. RGI RPR oversaw the routing and sealing of existing joints; repair of concrete joint and corner spalling; full-depth slab replacement for failed pavement sections; replacement of existing markings; and ensured a clean work environment was maintained by the contractor(s) including the vacuuming of excess slump / water and utilization of street sweepers. RGI also tested and observed the placement of flowable fill to improve the base prior to placing baskets, dowel bars, and concrete.