County Road E 225 N over Owens Ditch

Contract/Project Number: Benton County Bridge #78
Project Location: Benton County, Indiana
Client: Benton County, Indiana
Owner: ​Mike Budreau, Highway Superintendent
Owner PM, PE/PS and/or AE: Mike Budreau, Highway Superintendent
Project Construction Cost: $250,000
Project Date: 2019
Benton County Bridge
General Project Description

The purpose of the project was to replace the existing bridge structure due to deterioration and weight restrictions. The new structure is 65 feet in length and 24 feet wide.

Scope of Services

RGI services included survey, design of the end bents and roadway approaches.

Any Unique Challenges or specialty which should be noted?

To keep the project costs down and not impact Owen Ditch, the existing abutments were left in place and new end bents constructed behind the existing abutments.

Dawn Replogle

Dawn Replogle


Office Phone

(317) 558-2911 x110

Cell Phone

(317) 459-8274