Block 20

Contract/Project Number: Number: ST-20-094
Project Location: Indianapolis, IN
Client: Indianapolis DPW
Owner: Indianapolis DPW
Owner PM, PE/PS and/or AE: Todd Wilson
Project Length (miles or linear feet): 1,100 ft
Project Construction Cost: $800,000
Project Date: June 2021
Block 20 Alley
General Project Description

Project involved the roadway reconstruction for three historical brick alleys near the Block 20 Development in downtown Indianapolis.

Scope of Services

The project consisted of reconstructing the brick alleyways, installing new driveway transitions, new approach drives and sidewalk transitions, and coordination with the IHCP and property owners. Responsibilities included project management, stakeholder coordination, utility coordination, geometric design, drainage design, erosion control design, right-of entries, quantities, and cost estimating.

Any Unique Challenges or specialty which should be noted?

This project required additional coordination with the Block 20 developer, their designer and contractor, and utility company who have relocations related to the development.

Dawn Replogle

Dawn Replogle


Office Phone

(317) 558-2911 x110

Cell Phone

(317) 459-8274